Georgia real estate commission

Georgia Real Estate Commission

If you are looking for information on the Georgia Real Estate Commission & Appraisers Board, keep reading directly below this paragraph. If you are looking for information on real estate commissions in Georgia as in how much real estate agents make in Georgia, skip to the bottom half of this page. 

The Georgia Real Estate Commission and Appraisers Board (GREC & GAB) is a significant regulatory authority for real estate professionals operating within the state. This article will provide a comprehensive understanding of the functions, roles, and implications of the GREC & GAB for real estate professionals and consumers alike.

Georgia Real Estate Commission and Appraisers Board: An Overview

The Georgia Real Estate Commission (GREC) and the Georgia Appraisers Board (GAB) are two separate entities, yet their roles intertwine as they collectively govern real estate practices within the state. GREC is responsible for licensing and regulating real estate brokers, salespersons, and community association managers. In contrast, GAB is in charge of real estate appraisers, ensuring they comply with state and federal laws, maintain high professional standards, and follow uniform appraisal standards.

Key Functions of the Georgia Real Estate Commission

GREC’s primary functions include the issuance, renewal, and revocation of real estate licenses. They enforce laws related to real estate brokerage and community association management, investigate complaints, and administer disciplinary actions if necessary. Furthermore, GREC also sets education requirements for real estate professionals, approves pre-licensing and continuing education courses, and maintains records of licensed real estate professionals in Georgia.

Georgia Appraisers Board: Upholding Standards in Real Estate Appraisal

The Georgia Appraisers Board plays a crucial role in maintaining the quality and credibility of real estate appraisals within the state. The GAB licenses, certifies, and regulates real estate appraisers according to state laws and the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP). They oversee the education and experience requirements for appraisers, investigate violations, and enforce disciplinary actions when necessary.

Importance of the Georgia Real Estate Commission and Appraisers Board to Real Estate Professionals

For real estate professionals in Georgia, understanding the functions and regulations of the GREC & GAB is vital. Both entities ensure a level playing field and uphold the integrity of the real estate industry. They provide educational resources and professional standards that agents, brokers, and appraisers must meet to maintain their licenses.

Moreover, the GREC and GAB also act as resources for dispute resolution. They investigate complaints against real estate professionals and enforce disciplinary actions when necessary, which helps maintain public trust in the industry.

Implications for Consumers

For consumers, the Georgia Real Estate Commission and Appraisers Board serve as gatekeepers, ensuring that all real estate transactions are carried out by licensed and regulated professionals. They also provide a means for consumers to report unethical or illegal practices, assuring consumers that there’s an authority overseeing the industry’s operations.

In conclusion, the Georgia Real Estate Commission and Appraisers Board are integral institutions in Georgia’s real estate landscape. They strive to maintain professional standards, enforce laws and regulations, and safeguard consumer interests. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or a consumer venturing into real estate, understanding the role of these bodies can provide valuable insights into the inner workings of Georgia’s real estate industry.

How much do real estate agents make in Georgia?

If you’re considering buying or selling a property in Georgia, it’s essential to understand the real estate commission in Georgia. This guide aims to provide a detailed analysis of Georgia real estate commissions and what you can expect when engaging in property transactions within the state.

What is the Typical Real Estate Commission in Georgia?

Real estate commission is the fee you pay to your real estate agent or broker for their services in a property transaction. In Georgia, as in many other states, this commission is typically a percentage of the property’s sale price.

Real estate commission in Georgia is not fixed by law, which means it’s negotiable between the buyer, seller, and their respective agents or brokers. However, it’s crucial to understand that while you can negotiate, the experience, expertise, and services provided by the agent or broker often justify the commission.

How is the Real Estate Commission in Georgia Structured?

In most cases, Georgia real estate commissions are split between the buyer’s and seller’s agents. The total commission generally ranges from 5% to 6% of the home’s sale price. Suppose the agreed commission is 6%. In that case, it’s usually split equally, with the buyer’s and seller’s agents each receiving 3%. However, this can vary depending on the agreement between the agents.

It’s also important to note that the commission is typically paid by the seller out of the proceeds of the sale. That said, everything in real estate is negotiable, so the buyer and seller can agree to different terms.

Georgia Real Estate Commissions: What Services Do They Cover?

Georgia real estate commissions cover a wide range of services provided by the agents. These services often include:

  1. Evaluating the property’s market value.
  2. Marketing the property.
  3. Hosting open houses.
  4. Negotiating the price.
  5. Handling paperwork and legal requirements.
  6. Guiding the client throughout the buying or selling process.

The commission ensures that the real estate agents are compensated for their time, effort, and resources invested in making the transaction successful.

Negotiating Georgia Real Estate Commissions

While the average real estate commission in Georgia is around 5% to 6%, remember that these rates are not set in stone. The commission is often a reflection of the real estate market’s competitiveness and the agent’s expertise and services.

If you’re considering negotiating the commission, be sure to evaluate the value that the agent brings to your transaction. A seasoned agent with a deep understanding of the Georgia real estate market may command a higher commission, but they could also bring invaluable expertise, potentially saving you money in the long run.


Understanding real estate commission in Georgia is a vital part of buying or selling property in the state. While it may seem like a significant expense, it’s a fee that covers essential services, helping to ensure a smooth and successful transaction.

Remember, Georgia real estate commissions are negotiable. So, it’s essential to discuss this with your agent or broker to agree on a commission that reflects the service’s value and fits within your budget.

Click here if you are interested in getting a Georgia real estate license.